Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What is the Difference between a leader and a manager?

Quick leadership Training Lesson:

Effective leaders trainers will tell you that leaders see their people differently than managers. Managers are focused on production and profits. Leaders know that you must earn the hearts and minds of followers and treat employees with genuine respect. Respect is earned and every leaders knows that he must earn never violate that valuable relationship founded in respect.

If people see you as a micro-manager, then you probably have a lot of deeper issues going on at work. When you are around, people are probably scared to make a decision without you. this is YOUR fault. The best organizational leaders want their employees to make decisions that benefit the company. If you are a micro-manager, there are many more losses that you should be worrying about. Your employees are probably stealing from you, calling in sick, looking for work elsewhere (hiring and training new employees is expensive. The bad word or mouth advertising is killing your business.

Loyalty is earned out of kindness not out of fear. Leaders create meaningful relationships with employees and inspire greatness.

Consider this:

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