Thursday, July 26, 2012

Leadership Development Pays

Sometimes one person can truly make a positive or negative difference. The greatest cost of doing business is associated with employees. Loyal employees that are truly happy with their jobs offer creativity and greater production. Dissatisfied employees steal time, resources, products and employee morale. Leadership training is the key to lower costs, enhancing job satisfaction and increasing revenues. You can be a hero and make a positive difference through bringing in an expert that can train employees to give and be their very best.

Leadership Training Makes a HUGE differences!

Consider this:

Call toll free: 1-866-513-4296 for Dr. Paul Gerhardt, The Organizational Doctor - for leadership training and employee development services.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to be a leader

Every person must feel they truly make a positive difference in the workplace. If you want to make more money and have more control of your career, consider what the best leaders know about being effective.

Here are eight steps to being a leader:

My decades of leadership experience and doing leadership training for leaders of all types of organizations inspires me to share with others. I hope you enjoy the short mentioned above.

If you would like me to come and help make a positive difference in your place of employment with training and development, please contact me: 1-866-513-4296 or email:

I look forward to helping  your employees be invigorated and motivated to be and give their very best!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Leadership Tool Box

My leadership training toolbox is filled with tools that bring out the best in employees and supervisors. It all starts with having a leader who does the right thing.  If you supervise employees and want to increase productivity, employee morale and job satisfaction here is what you should know and do:

The items on the list from the link shared above should be done every week. You will find that by doing those things--your job will be easier and bring you greater job satisfaction and more job security. I hope you enjoy the article:

Leadership is both an art and a science. Practice those things--takes time and patience. In the long-run it pays off.

Thanks for stopping by.

Kindest regards,
Dr. Paul L. Gerhardt
"The Organizational Doctor"TM

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What is the Difference between a leader and a manager?

Quick leadership Training Lesson:

Effective leaders trainers will tell you that leaders see their people differently than managers. Managers are focused on production and profits. Leaders know that you must earn the hearts and minds of followers and treat employees with genuine respect. Respect is earned and every leaders knows that he must earn never violate that valuable relationship founded in respect.

If people see you as a micro-manager, then you probably have a lot of deeper issues going on at work. When you are around, people are probably scared to make a decision without you. this is YOUR fault. The best organizational leaders want their employees to make decisions that benefit the company. If you are a micro-manager, there are many more losses that you should be worrying about. Your employees are probably stealing from you, calling in sick, looking for work elsewhere (hiring and training new employees is expensive. The bad word or mouth advertising is killing your business.

Loyalty is earned out of kindness not out of fear. Leaders create meaningful relationships with employees and inspire greatness.

Consider this:

My leadership training workshops make a lasting positive difference. Give me a call today: 1-866-513-4296 or email:

I can help transform managers into effective leaders.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Public Speaking 101

If you ever have to give a speech, you will want to remember these basics.  

Tip 1: Depending on how long you have to speak, have three points to talk about. Make them the very things you want them to remember.  

Tip 2: Be confident and speak clearly. You get to set the tone and how you deliver what you say will make the difference.

Tip 3: Summarize your speech at the conclusion. If you let your audience know you are getting ready to conclude, then they will perk up and listen closely. They want you to finish on a positive note.

Here is more. Read this:

If you need a keynote speaker or leadership training. Please contact me today:

Paul L. Gerhardt, PhD: or toll free: 1-866-513-4296

Kindest regards,

Friday, July 06, 2012

Free Leadership Training Lesson on Path-Goal Theory

This quick leadership training lesson reminds managers that leaders must set their employees up for success. This requires that leaders remove all obstacles and give their people all resources and connections in order to accomplish the goals of the group easily.

Everyone knows that leaders must empower people to make the best-decisions possible, but it is still important to direct and influence people to make the right decisions. Smart leaders will do everything to help reduce stress and anxiety of their people. Consider this:

Hire Paul Gerhardt, PhD.

Training for managers that works. 

Contact Dr. Paul L. Gerhardt: 1-866-513-4296 or for more information.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

What is Management Training

Management training is all about helping every team member be his/her very best. Every manager must be a leader. This means, having the right skills to motivate, inspire, build a vision and earn loyalty of followers. Successful professionals all know that leadership is both an art and science.

If you have people calling in sick, quitting their jobs, unhappy employees, arguments, low production, or apathy, it sounds like you need leadership training. Consider this :

Management training is all about remembering what it takes to be more effective in the workplace. A trainer must come from outside of your organization, evaluate the issues and involve as many people as possible in training that brings people on the same page and creates effective solutions. The value of good training is immeasurable. It can last a long time if done right.

After all, losing employees and customers is far most costly than helping them be their very best. This is done with well-trained managers. Make a positive difference with management training.

Thanks for visiting. If you want to learn more, please do not hesitate to ask.

Kindest regards,
Paul L. Gerhardt, PhD

Effective Communication Made Easy

Be powerful in your communication. Consider what the best, not evil, salespeople know about communication. Life is so much better when we know that we are all in sales and we can choose to be good or bad at it. If we are poor communicators, we probably have poor relationships. If you have lots of good relationships, you probably know these essentials of effective communication.

Here is what you need to know about being effective at work and home:

I hope you enjoy the free lesson!
Kindest regards,
Dr. Paul L. Gerhardt

Monday, July 02, 2012

Dare to Dream! How to Accomplish Goals

Goal setting is easy. We create everything twice. We first must see it in our mind, then we can put things into motion to make it happen. The clearer we see things, the better the results. Consider this:

I dare you to start visualizing your success and write things down. Put thoughts into action.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Leadership Training Matters

If you want to stay competitive, you must consider fresh perspectives and build teams that are inspired to give their very best. Consider leadership training for these reasons:

How to Make Things Better: Creating Power Change

Everyone must feel like they matter. You can create powerful change that makes things better by involving others in the process. Change is always needed. However, it is feared and hated by those who are comfortable with the old ways of doing things.

Sticking with the old ways may cause your team and organization to lose market-share and be less competitive. Things must always change for the better. You must do your part in making things better. Don't be a part of the problem. Be a part of the solution. Here is how:

Change is a good thing. Make synergy and involve everyone.

Thanks so much for taking time to visit my blog. Send this to 10 friends and make a positive difference. If you liked this article, please like it on Facebook and share it with others. Make it a great day! We get to choose how we feel about it! Remember, if something is worth doing, it truly is worth doing well!
Kindest regards,
Paul L. Gerhardt, PhD
The Organizational Doctor TM
Copyright © 2012 by Dr. Paul L. Gerhardt. All rights reserved.