Friday, November 02, 2012

Leadership Keynote Speaking

I love that I have taught thousands of people in hundreds of organizations from around the world how to get along better with coworkers. I have valuable lessons on creating places of employment filled with enjoyment.

Story telling is an art that requires thoughtful examples of times when people had common experiences that have lessons that are memorable. Communication skills are at the very core of getting along better with others. It is about understanding expectations and the psychology of why people do what they do.

Leadership is the key to creating workplaces that people love to give their best at. Employees who feel valued and are given the right tools to be successful by their leaders are inspired to create and innovate. Every person must know that he/she makes either a positive or negative difference. It is about choice and clarity.

Want to learn more? Invite me to speak with your organization. I each human relations and I want to make a positive difference.

Thanks for reading!

Kindest regards,
Paul L. Gerhardt, PhD
"The Organizational Doctor"TM